Alex's White Clio 200 - PIC HEAVY!

Had the car for about a month now, previously owned a mini cooper s works (see pics).

Started modding the Clio around 2 weeks a go, Thought i'd start a thread to show how it came from standard to how it stands today!

Firstly heres the JCW.. Sad to see it go.

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The day I first got the Clio


Tried to Wrap the lights, got this far but never again.. Previously used sprays which aren't bad but vinyl wrapping is impossible to get perfect.


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De-badged the rear and bought the black badge covers, got the wrong size for the front so had to send back.


Got the cup spoiler sprayed and fitted


Got the red bits sprayed, and door handles and side strips colour coded. Also fitted Silvatecs.


Got some LED smoked lights from Germany, this was the last set in stock out of the 5 suppliers I contacted!


Fitted the lights, added a stubby arial and the front badge cover.



As it stands today... Nice and shiny after detailing yesterday!





I know it wont be to everyone's tastes but I love it :smile:
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looks the part that mate, i use to have a mini cooper s running 257hp i miss that but theres something about the clios,

really like the rear led lights,

think it would look good with the darker lights on the front
Yeah I planned on wrapping the fronts as well to see how it looked, that was why I got the tint film instead of spray.

But I'd never attempt to wrap anything again after that haha it's a nightmare.
Cheers for all the replies :smile: I knew the red bits and back lights would be controversial haha.

Will upload a pic of the LED lights later when its dark :smile:
Welcome along, love what you have done so far.

How do you compare the Mini with the Clio? I trashed a Works GP at Donington to within an inch of its life and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
Few pics of the lights, pretty poor though the camera doesn't show how they actually look. Should maybe have tried using the flash.


Fernandez, I would love to own a gp, thats partly what made me decide to do the red bits.

In all honesty I preferred the mini to drive, the mid range torque and the sound of the supercharger is amazing but mine was 10 years old and a bit beaten up! The clio wins hands down on looks though.

Going from the extremely heavy pedals and steering of the mini to the sensitive pedals of the clio was quite hard to start with, anyone else get the occasional kangarooing? In 1st and maybe second gears?
That credit doesn't go to me! Don't know a great deal about detailing but I plan to start buying some stuff to do it myself soon.

Any good guides would be appreciated if you have any bookmarked :smile:
Absolutely pains me to say this but the car is going up for sale soon.

Anyone that's interested let me know.

Only owned it for 3 months and has just ticked over 41k miles.

Facing a driving ban so genuine reason.

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