Advice on Spraying

I've done a few of these in the past - Protip, get some proper modelling paints from your local model or craft shop, you'll get a much better finish. Investing in a quality set of craft knives will help with the masking too.

1. Disassemble the car as far as you can, then mask up the areas you don't want sprayed.
2. Prep the areas with a bit of wet and dry (as fine a grit as you can find), then undercoat with a model shop primer; let it cure, then smooth and apply a second coat, cure then smooth again.
3. I'd then go for 2 coats of the black paint and a final coat of gloss lacquer.
4. ???
5. Profit

You might also find it useful to get both a spray and small pot of the black paint, you can tidy up any details with a fine paintbrush before the lacquering stage.

Though as mentioned above, you could achieve a pretty decent finish with Plastidip too.
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