A few car / engine questions


I've just bought a 2008 Clio 197 Cup & I'm just getting used to it.

I have a few questions:

1. I went to put some more washer fluid in tonight after leaving the car for about 10 mins after a 10 mile drive - nothing strenuous - and noticed that the engine was extremely hot to the touch, along with all the air intake next to it and the coolant bottle etc. Is is normal for the engine to get this hot?

2. I have noticed that when dropping down a gear or two and booting the accelerator to really get the car going, the car seems to learch about three time and almost bog down - is this normal? I'm worried that as the timing belt was just done by the garage before I did the car that the timing is out or something?! Is there any way to know the timing is ok?

3. There seems to be a knocking when turning or braking at low speeds - i've read a few things on this and they say that its probably either the steering rack or universal joints, however on those threads they don't mention anything about happening when braking - does anyone have any more info on this?

4. The brakes don't seem to great - slightly scary when braking from high speeds - certainly not what I'd expect from Brembos on a light car. Is it a simple job to service them? What's needed - do I need new pins or modified pins like I've seen for sale on here?

5. Is there anything else which I should get checked/seen to?

Your help is vastly appreciated!

With the car bogging down I'm not sure but it is likely to do this if the car isn't up to temperature. These cars drive poorly when they're cold, not a lot you can do from what I've read, just badly designed.

For the knocking it's difficult to diagnose on here. Get it up on a ramp and get it checked otherwise it's guesswork.

For the pins it's not necessary to get the alternative ones but i would recommend it. The standard ones are regularly difficult to remove and are likely to bend. The newer ones allow fitment and removal without any hassle and are therefore re-useable.
With the car bogging down I'm not sure but it is likely to do this if the car isn't up to temperature. These cars drive poorly when they're cold, not a lot you can do from what I've read, just badly designed.

For the knocking it's difficult to diagnose on here. Get it up on a ramp and get it checked otherwise it's guesswork.

For the pins it's not necessary to get the alternative ones but i would recommend it. The standard ones are regularly difficult to remove and are likely to bend. The newer ones allow fitment and removal without any hassle and are therefore re-useable.

Cheers for the reply - the bogging down still occurs when its up to temperature - for example had driven 15 miles doing 70+ in some places and then in town I go to drop from 5th to 3rd to accelerate quickly and it bogs down/jolts about, it still accelerates well, it just doesn't feel quite right.
With the engine bogging, what do the plugs look like? Does it do it if you leave it in the same gear?

Brakes probably need a good service

With regard to knocking when braking.. Does this happen once when going forward? Sometimes you can get a pas move forward in its carrier
With the engine bogging, what do the plugs look like? Does it do it if you leave it in the same gear?

Brakes probably need a good service

With regard to knocking when braking.. Does this happen once when going forward? Sometimes you can get a pas move forward in its carrier
I haven't had a look at the plugs, I'll check them but it's meant to have just had a service so I'd assume they would have changed them - however I checked the air filter and it's very grimey so they obviously haven't cleaned that, so who knows!
It will pull fine in one gear, it's mainly when you drop a gear or two and boot it at the same time and the revs feel like they bound slightly - it's quite noticeable for a passenger.

By a brake service do you just mean pins & pads removed and cleaned with brake cleaner - or something more in depth?

It happens mainly when just going forward slightly when parking & turning & especially when braking slowly. It seems to be doing it less lately though.
