197 Speedo Unit

The clear plastic part of my sppedo unit has a bit of a crack in it and I was thinking about changing it for another one. Has anyone done this before? I'd expect that the unit doesn't store the mileage but just displays it from whatever control unit does store it (i.e. you just plug a new unit in and it displays the correct mileage for the car) but can anyone confirm this? Also how hard is it to extract the speedo unit from the dash?
The clear plastic part of my speedo unit has a bit of a crack in it and I was thinking about changing it for another one. Has anyone done this before? I'd expect that the unit doesn't store the mileage but just displays it from whatever control unit does store it (i.e. you just plug a new unit in and it displays the correct mileage for the car) but can anyone confirm this? Also how hard is it to extract the speedo unit from the dash?

I've seen someone on here do it before, they changed the clocks to the 200 ones that are yellow and black, the control unit i believe is built into the speedo itself and needs to be 'mapped' so it shows your correct mileage. Can work out to be quite pricey. Its supposed to be really easy to remove the clocks though iirc im sure its only clipped in.

Ill try find the thread i seen it on and ill post the link on here bud :thumbsup:
[MENTION=132]ben_r1[/MENTION] written this on a tread 6 years ago haha! .. hope ya dont mine me copy and pasting!

Easy peasy mate.

Remove the trim that surrounds it with a flathead screwdriver and a little force.

Then the dials are on a hinge, pull it up disconnect the single connector. Then simply pop it out of the plastic hinges, 5 minute job!
i know someone who has a pair of 200 clocks with the yellow dials who'd be willing to sell me cheap anyone know a rough idea on how much the mapping would be to correct the mileage?
i know someone who has a pair of 200 clocks with the yellow dials who'd be willing to sell me cheap anyone know a rough idea on how much the mapping would be to correct the mileage?

From what I've seen a few year ago it was anywhere from £90 - £160. Depends on your local guys that can do it.
Thanks chaps, might look into getting another unit and just swap the bit with the crack in it over, the 200 dials are nice but can't be doing with getting the mileage corrected.

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