what mpg to expect

Currently driving a Fiesta ST and getting around the 30mpg mark but what should I expect from a 197? I do mainly urban driving, im rarely on the motorway. Any help would be greatly appreciated as dont really want to drop too far below 30mpg.
We get 31mpg for the lifetime of our car. Thats everything from trackdays, motorway, urdan and B road blasts.
Just got back from Cornwall. I adv'd 35.6mpg. round trip was about 800 miles including all the trips out we had.

Normally, I get 29 / 30 most of the time.
Same as Tom above I average around 24mpg, I think Noddie drives like a granny to get in the 30's :rofl:
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I get 21mpg but I have a heavy right foot worse I've had is 15mpg and best I've had is 31mpg all depends how your drive it
Mid 20's urban, expect 30 to low 30's on motorways.

About 9 if you keep it above 5k rpm.
The figure on my MPG for the last 30 months is 30.08MPG

The best I had was 37,54MPG and the worst was 21,7MPG!!
I remember filling ours one night and reseeting the mpg at the station, gave it a reet spanking all the way home and got it down to 9.9mpg :smile:

Ours averages out at around 25mpg

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