Regarding your tyre choice for the Nurburgring, I don't find it a particularly heavy circuit on tyre wear for a car like the Clio. It has much more of a flow to it than most smaller circuits and there are only a handful of heavy braking zones. Given that it is your first trip, you're not going to be pushing anywhere near enough to cause significant tyre wear, so my recommendation would be to go with something you have used before that you are comfortable with.
I have ordered a brand new set of Direzzas for the car now. It seems outrageous to spend so much money knowing that the tyres are going to be abused and replaced within 6 months to a year. I hate to think what people pay for tyres in a race season.

We were due to go to Donington Park in March this year but cancelled that track day after damaging the Clio at Snetterton. I have now used our credit with Track Obsession to book on to their Donington Park day on 18th June 2024. It is on the National circuit.
We used a few sets of part worn Direzzas in the past. They are really grippy and seem to come alive fairly quickly. The downside is that they are not as hard wearing as MRFs.
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heavy news!

Always a fun day in the wet, it’s a shame there’s not much covered areas in the paddock and the catering space isn’t big enough
We went to Cadwell Park today for a track day with Track Obsession.

Not much had changed with the car since its last outing to Cadwell Park on 8th April 2024. We had not swapped over the old crusty radiator support for the new sleeker Cup Racer version. We had not even got the alignment done since we replaced the driveshaft for one that did not have a tiny split in the CV boot. Life has been busy with weekends away, work and an appendectomy for @EthanMenace.

The only change we had made to the car was to refurb the track wheels to a more appealing Clio Williams gold colour. The Direzza tyres that we had purchased recently are being saved for the Ring trip so the track wheels had a set of MRF ZTEs on them.

In the run up to the track day I had been keeping an eye on the weather. We have had some really good weather recently, but, the forecast for today was pretty much rain all day. I had been quite miserable in the run up to the track day thinking that the weather would stop us enjoying the day. We travelled up from Essex and stayed in a quirky hotel the night before. Before we set off from the hotel in the morning I checked the weather which confirmed it was going to rain today.


When we got to the car this morning we were greeted by a pool of water in the front passenger footwell. It had hammered it down overnight with rain and helpfully the Clio had collected and saved some rainwater for us.

Cadwell Park does not have any garages. I am a snob and like to book a garage for track days as it just makes things easier, you have somewhere to dump your wheels, tools and other rubbish. The other good thing about garages is that when it rains you have somewhere to stand that protects you from the elements. Today this was our garage.


The "tarp" was our protection and our attempt to keep our scaled down basic tool kit dry.

At the start of the day we kept the road wheels on the car. It was rather nice emptying out the car and not having to change wheels. We have an odd set of Michelin Pilot Sport 4 and 5s on the road wheels. As the track was still very wet we thought that the Pilot Sports would perform better in the wet conditions.


After dong the sighting laps in the rain we got out on track. The track day was relatively quiet today and I would guess the the weather had put off any last minute bookings. There was an interesting mix of cars there today. We were the only Clio there today, there was not even a 172, 182, 197, 200 or a 200T. There was of course the battered Track Obsession red 197 being driven around. The only other Renault present was a Megane 225. There were a few Caterfields, an Atom, A Lotus Elise, a few E46 shaped BMWs, an E36, two Evos, a few Subarus, a single EP3 - and some other cars. But my favourite car of the day was a diesel Ford Focus with a tow bar.


The guy driving the Focus was rather friendly and said that he just likes doing track days but did not have a track car.

We both did a few sessions until the weather got worse. By 11.00 am there was standing water in several places on the main straight and in the dip on Park Straight that was making laps either more exciting or just dangerous. We parked up the Clio and sat in the restaurant having a drink. There were a few cars that stayed out in the awful weather. The Ford Focus was one of them. He must have done a 45 minute stint in his car just lapping in the terrible weather.

We got back out on track after a 45 minute break. The rain had stopped and the standing water had cleared. It was still too wet to put on the track wheels. The rain turned in to more of a drizzle and as a result the track started to dry out in some very limited areas. Grip increased a bit. We finished a session just before 1pm both thinking that if the rain held off we could get the MRFs on the car in the afternoon After having some MSV hot food, and a top up of petrol with some Esso 99, we changed the wheels. As we changed the wheels the rain came back. I have no idea if the track day photographer got any shots of the car with the refurbed wheels out on the track but I thought the car looked good with the track wheels on.


I did a session on the MRFs and found that they were no match for the Michelin Pilot Sports. I did some very slow laps on the semi slicks and found the they just could not grip when the wheels were turned much more than a little bit in to corners. We came back to the paddock and swapped the wheels back to the road wheels.

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@EthanMenace went out on the road wheels and put in his best session of the day with a fastest lap of 1m 56s. His time was definitely better than my lap times. What was noticeable during his session was two things. Firstly the Pilot Sport 4 and 5s were actually very good in the wet and provided more than enough grip. The second thing was that most rear wheel drive cars on track really struggled with the rain.

I finished the day doing a solo run, this was about 4pm but the weather just got worse during my laps.

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Unusually for us we decided to pack up about 4.30pm rather than keep the car running on track until the track day came to an end. The track conditions were not going to get any better by 5pm and we both felt like we had put in enough good laps to walk away pleased with progress from the day.

Although I had predicted doom and gloom I actually left Cadwell Park with a smile on my face. The Clio had performed all day long. It had coped on track better than most cars. In @EthanMenace's hands the car had overtaken every car he had come across with the exception of a Subaru WRX. Nothing had broken on the Clio. Also, despite the awful weather there had not been a red flag for the entire track day.

The next track day booked is Donington Park on 18th June 2024 - hopefully the sun will be out for that track day.
The track day photos from Cadwell Park have been published.

Despite the Clio Williams gold coloured Speedlines only being on for a a few laps the photographer managed to get a photo of the wheels.


This was what the track looked like when it was really wet with standing water on the main straight.


Hall Bends was soaking wet all day long. I quite like the photo below as the water on the surface shows a reflection of the car - very arty.


Still wet...

We took off the old crusty radiator support today and installed the Cup Racer version. The old radiator support still showed battle scars from our trip to Snetterton earlier in the year as the drivers side edge was a little bit bent out of shape.

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If anyone is interested the Cup Racer radiator support part number is 7711160383. I weighed it to see what difference there is between the Cup Racer version and the standard version. The Cup Racer version is 2.5 kilos and the standard version is 5.9 kilos. The Cup Racer version is more or less identical to the standard version but does not have the legs which extend backwards in to the engine bay. The Cup Racer version is made out of steel so is likely to rust in the future. @Helpimonfire suggested to me that it would be a good idea to use some cavity wax spray as the radiator supports usually rust from the inside out.


We had purchased some Bilt Hamber Dynax S50 to protect the inside of the radiator support. It came with a long spray attachment. After using some frog tape to cover up some of the holes we applied the wax spray generously and let it dry.

This is what the two radiator supports look like together.


The new radiator support bolted up without any problems to the chassis leg. The work done by @EthanMenace to sort out the tweaked chassis leg had clearly worked as it aligned perfectly.


As the Cup Racer radiator support does not have the legs that extend in to the engine bay there are no holes for the back edge of the engine under tray to bolt in to.

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We decided to keep the under tray and just cable tie the rear of the under tray to the sub frame. The front of the under tray bolts up to the Cup Racer radiator support as it has the same holes in it as the standard radiator support.

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The radiator support brackets have been left in place for the time being as our Corvette brake ducts are cable tied to them.
I took the Clio to get it aligned today at Tyre Mart in Witham. It is always irritating that when you have done something to the suspension set up that you have to align the car again. When the drive shaft was removed recently @EthanMenace had managed to do it without taking off the coilover and hub. When I put the drive shaft back with it's new CV boot I had removed the coilover.

The before figures show that the toe was out.


The after figures show the toe is back to where it should be.


The camber is a bit funky but it will do for the time being.