Windscreen chip - don't believe the adverts

So I noticed I had a tiny (and I mean very tiny) windscreen chip the other day and thought I'd better get it seen to sooner rather than later so it doesn't get any worse.

With most people I know saying "are you fully comp? You should get it free", I phoned up Admiral and turns out I have to pay £25 excess and they are using national windscreens rather than auto-glass. (I am fully comp btw)

Morale of the story for me, don't believe the TV adverts :thumbdown:

Could have been worse I guess...could have needed a new windscreen which would have cost £75 i think. This is the first time I've had a chip repaired, so has any-one else on here got a fully comp policy + had to pay for it or have I been robbed? :smile:
I had to pay for mine, I'm also with Admiral.
I think it's free if you're over a certain age or something (and therefore have a different level of excess). I see you're only 21, I'm 20. I may be talking rubbish here though!
I had a stone hit my old dci's windscreen last year. I thought £25 excess was fair for the repair. Better than having to pay the full excess!

I wish I'd just got a new windscreen though for £50 more though. The damage was just to the right of the rear view mirror, so was always visible. And with the sub-zero temperatures we had just before Christmas I'm sure the 'spider' got a little bigger.
Hmm judging from the replies then I'm guessing it could be an age thing...which wouldn't surprise me. :smile:

I'm not saying that £25 is particularly bad by the way...but me being a Sheffield lad and a student would have preferred if it was free that's all =p

@Smoggy mark - I guess for some people you can believe the adverts then, just us young whipper-snappers that can't ha
@Smoggy mark - I guess for some people you can believe the adverts then, just us young whipper-snappers that can't ha[/QUOTE]

Hahaha!yeah i thought all the adverts were true,Think cos ime a old knacker i got it free mate:wink:
I have had a chip in mine for nearly two years. Hasn't got any bigger or worse. Survived summer, winter and numerous track days.

So indeed.... Don't believe the hype (or adverts)
I have had a chip in mine for nearly two years. Hasn't got any bigger or worse. Survived summer, winter and numerous track days.

So indeed.... Don't believe the hype (or adverts)

My dad had a chip in his windscreen which he got repaired. A few days after the windscreen cracked and had to be replaced. Maybe you should just leave them as chips? Lol :smiley:
aviva is £10

@fernandez do you have to declare a chip fixed? and not just a replacement screen?

either way it doesn't count on claims.
I don't think £75 for a new screen is bad, I'm with admiral and paid that last year to replace it. It has not affected my policy this year as sorted my renewal a few days ago. Just think if you had to pay the full price of the screen...
It won't reduce your no claims bonus. But when I had one done while with Admiral, when I got my proof of NCB through at the end of the year there was a claim for £70-odd on there, so it 100% counts as you making a claim on insurance when it comes to getting quotes.

That was when it was still free for a repair, the following year was £10, looks like £25 now, the cost is only going one way.
It won't reduce your no claims bonus. But when I had one done while with Admiral, when I got my proof of NCB through at the end of the year there was a claim for £70-odd on there, so it 100% counts as you making a claim on insurance when it comes to getting quotes.

same here when i went from multi-car policy down to single policy was on proof of "no-claims" from them

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