Torque track recorder video

looks quite good. can you get tracks on it and what have you like harry lap timer for the iphone.
What mount do you use for your iPhone MP?

I went through about 4 or 5 suction mounts off ebay/amazon till i found a very solid one.

Sorry i can't find it any more but it was one where you use a leaver to suck it onto the windscreen if that makes sense, big thick arm which pivots & the holder that also turns 360 and i film from the top of the screen not the bottom and push the phone into were the screen/roof meets and it fits snugly and doesn't suffer any shake at all.

Not had an issue on any MSV track day with it although its been said they are now banned? HOWEVER if you look on youtube you will fine suction mounted cameras on there trackdays from this year, so......