The NOISE thread!

After some random OT posting on a music thread I figured we deserved a thread dedicated to some car music!

I'll start:-

Good thread mate so gotta add this one:

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I raise you both;


And for sh!ts and giggles;


And one more, for my Aussie homeboys;

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I see your noise, and I raise you

Group B Audi Quattro


Here's one for the rich kids who want to impress the crowd at McDonalds carpark


Although I think this may be FAKE!
Yeah, fair enough, that thing is audio porn. I'd forgotten about that one!!!

But, I don't think it beats this;

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Flip! Both of those (willis and cooper) make it too hard to decide! The high pitch of the lambo is soooo nice though lol, im too indecisive!!
Mmm, FIAT Twin-Cam. :smile:

Possibly the best sounding Inline 4 ever made.

It was a pleasure to own one of these and live within a few minutes of a long tunnel.

Not mine, but near enough the same spec' engine wise, mine was ~275BHP ~300lb/Ft.;

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Some great posts in here now! Keep em coming, I've got some more lined up but can't post them properly on iPad.
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im sorry but all of those epicly fail compared to the raw sound of this