Team Lotus (F1) buy Caterham

As in the link Team Lotus have bought Caterham cars. To me it seems like they're lining them selves up to become Caterham F1, since theres so much politics going off with the Lotus name/brand and F1!

I would love to see another British manufacturer name brought into F1 and if it gives Caterham a sales boost then all the better for it!

As in the link Team Lotus have bought Caterham cars. To me it seems like they're lining them selves up to become Caterham F1, since theres so much politics going off with the Lotus name/brand and F1!

I would love to see another British manufacturer name brought into F1 and if it gives Caterham a sales boost then all the better for it!

also caterham is a spin off from Lotus, alot of people are saying hes bought this to add weight to his pending court case with proton
My understanding of this whole fiasco is...


The Black Car is NOT a Lotus, it's a Renault with an old Lotus paintjob.

The Green Car is NOT a Lotus, because the naughty man in charge can't use that name so it's a TEAM Lotus.

Naughty man wants to own LOTUS. But he bought the name TEAM Lotus by accident after misreading something that a nice Malaysian man had given him to sign. Naughty man realises his error and tries to use LOTUS name anyway. Malaysian man has more money and wants his new band of German engineers to build some LOTUS roadcars so takes naugty man to court to stop him using any name with the word LOTUS in it. Inlcuding Lotus Flower.

Naughty man boxes clever, buys Caterham, so he can build a 50 year old Lotus not called a Lotus and argue in court that his TEAM Lotus has more ''history'' than the German/Malaysian Lotus owned by the nice Malayaisn man so that the lovely judge tells him that he can indeed use the name TEAM Lotus. This undermines the nice Malaysian mans business plan, his backers get itchy feet, his company starts to flounder and the naughty man who owns the name TEAM Lotus then buys the OTHER Lotus from the nice Malaysian man for six buttons and some magic beans.

Naughy man now owns Lotus, TEAM Lotus and LOTUS Flower and is now allowed to make old Lotus's's's and write Lotus on his racing car.

Colin Chapman does a backside 720 in his grave and the apocolypse begins.

That is a very comprehensive understanding and I enjoyed reading it mate! LOL!

I like the naughty man's plan! Least it means I get to see what I wanted - Lotus racing!
Hahaha, I typed it how I thunk it!!! :smiley:

The best bit is... If the naughty man loses in court and the nice Malayasian man takes his TEAM Lotus caps and badges off him then at least he can always call his F1 team Caterham F1 instead. And still make 50 year old Lotus's's's, eventually buying the rights to make a 15 year old Lotus (Elise) that he's wanted the rights to for about the last 3 years anyway and is the reason this whole mess started in the first place.