

I have had my 200 7 months now, its got 31k on the clock and Full Renault Service History.

I know these are known to judder and stutter a little but mine seems to do it fairly regularly over the last few months, more so when im pulling away in first and then shift to second.

I thought it was when it was cold but it does it when its warmer outside and also when the engine is up to temperature. I do not thrash it at all from cold and even when I shift at higher revs every now and then, its after a good 15 minutes of normal driving first.

It was serviced at Renault 7 months ago when I got the car, is it worth changing the oil again?

I have a Ktec catback and ITG filter on the car.
I only use Vpower.

As you know they do have a problem kamgerooing. I usually find turning the Traction Control off whilst the car warms up can help significantly.

Its always worth doing and interim oil change and also a quick clean of your air filter.
changing the oil filter whilst good for internal engine cleanliness and longevity of bearings etc it doesnt really have any influence over engine combustion as such...

the plugs are due at 36k so it might be "beneficial" to change them now

aslo worth checking and cleaning the throttle body as carbon and oil vapour can collect in the butterfly area

also a shot of injector cleaner could also work

worth considering changing where you get fuel from just in case its not the best available so to speak!

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