Someone with an R27

Do me a tiny favour :smile: Or a big one considering the weather.

Could you please measure the width of the font on the "Renault f1 team" decal. I have a friend who is trying to get it exact. The width of the font for both front and side please (I think the back is the same as front?)...

...and while you are out there, the width of the world champs bit too?

I'll love you long time for this.

Don't make me carry round a ruler until i find one :worried:

front bumper, side and also the side "worlds champs bit" roof. And there isn't text on the roof is there? Hm
Amazing thanks! What about the champs bit?

Sorry for the confusion.


We have two widths, the red is the renault logo, the blue is the world champs bit, is 13.5cm the champs bit? Because that's sweet if it is.
Sorry, my friend makes decals. He doesnt have the correct sizes for the things ive highlighted. I forgot the leaf bits because I don't have an r27...thanks for the effor mate, no rush.