Ring Trip Pics/Diary


Platinum Member

Thought I'd upload a few photos from the ring trip we did last week.

Good all round few days out there, weather was a bit hit and miss at times but generally OK.

Absolutely LOVED going round in my car and I was extremely surprised and happy at how capable she was. Being the first time I'd been on a track anywhere, the Ring was obviously throwing myself in at the deep end and to be honest, before my first lap I was absolutely cacking myself. But I went round in what I thought was a pretty decent time (10m17s), and came off with such a buzz.

Over the next couple of days, i got all 9 laps in and managed to get my time down to a 9m47s which I was completely chuffed with. Was hard as it rained at times and others you get held up. I did get a whole lap where I only met 1 car on the lap though, but it was slippery. Still got sub 10 minutes.

Got 2 more laps on the final day and had a push. Gam and I went out together and we proper pushed each other round the track. Jack came in at 9m37s and I had an unoffical time of around 9m30s which blew me away. I absolutely threw it round that track. I didn't better that time.

Plenty of other clios out there, all the locals know the track really well so it was hard to compete with them. Lots of stripped out cars running R888's or 595's as well...

I was happy with my brake set up and my tyres, they held together nicely.

Only had 2 hairy moments. The first I overtook an RS4 and bombed it round the carasel a bit too fast and came out sidways - But managed to hold onto it. And the other was me racing a very fast 182...it took a long hairpin slightly too fast and had major understeer. I gripped round the inside line, but he slid across the track, hit the verge then darted back across again and almost spanked me but I managed to get it up on the grass to avoid. Didn't go out after that again lol

Came across the 200T which was being reviewed. Spoke to the guy who was driving it and he seems to think it was a nice car, but the suspension is just way too soft! He said compared too the 200 you just cant throw it about as much, but the torque is brilliant. So my advise to any traders reading this...be the first to stock up on springs/coilovers for the 200T when it comes out :wink:

I still don't really like it though.

So happy I went and really gagging to get round a track again!

Anyway, some pics that I took of some random cars and some of me on the track.



sounds like a good time!

all i would say is chasing times can lead to disaster. As you can push too hard and the Ring bites!

Having said that everytime i go i time and try and beat my personal best of 8:34!! lol
The car looking great!! Im planning on going over with a load of scooby owners in September but wont be bringing the clio!
Forgot to add that I met some British guy in the car park and we got chatting. He came out in my car and said he was pretty impressed. I think he was just being nice lol

He then took me out in his 911 Turbo...OH MY GOD that flew!

Pissing M3 drivers are tits tho. That's my only real gripe...they have no respect.
The stance of the thing in the carousel! Looks awesome. Uk track days will be boring for you now you have started with the most hardcore
Are the times you posted bridge to gantry? Or full laps?
Looks like you had a great time mate! Not bad times for your first trip, i also can't resist chasing my personal best but as others say the Ring does bite and it reminded me of how dangerous it can be. I was there a few days before you :wink:
The stance of the thing in the carousel! Looks awesome. Uk track days will be boring for you now you have started with the most hardcore
Are the times you posted bridge to gantry? Or full laps?

BTG of course. I was happy considering I'd never pushed the car that hard before...but also know I could defiantly shave seconds off.

Kevin, see you in June. I've put my name down to run :smile:
Nice track day..
that hairless dude (or his colegue) you met is from croatian EVO magazine.
basically, he thinks new 200T is complete rubbish, nowhere near 197/200, especially combined with cup suspension.
The other guy that went with him (also car journalist, ex owner of r27 and rs265) is quite shoched with 200t track performance and mentioned 208 being faster and more agile..
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Nice track day..
that hairless dude (or his colegue) you met is from croatian EVO magazine.
basically, he thinks new 200T is complete rubbish, nowhere near 197/200, especially combined with cup suspension.
The other guy that went with him (also car journalist, ex owner of r27 and rs265) is quite shoched with 200t track performance and mentioned 208 being faster and more agile..

I followed him out on a lap and as expected in the straights he gained distance from me but I managed to close the gap a bit through the turns. But again due to me not knowing the track well enough he eventually disappeared.
Nice track day..
that hairless dude (or his colegue) you met is from croatian EVO magazine.
basically, he thinks new 200T is complete rubbish, nowhere near 197/200, especially combined with cup suspension.
The other guy that went with him (also car journalist, ex owner of r27 and rs265) is quite shoched with 200t track performance and mentioned 208 being faster and more agile..

He didn't completely slate it, but he did say it wasn't nearly as capable round a track with standard set up.

But to be fair, it won't take long for people to start modifying them with coilies and springs etc to get them to a good track set up. You'll probably lose your day to day comfort, but then if you drive a 197/200, I can't see it being any worse.

It definitely had a fair bit of poke though.