oil gearbox

Good morning, first I apologize for my English I'm writing from the Canary Islands (Spain) I have a Clio Renault R27 2008 and my early this year will change the oil in the gearbox and put motul 75 80, but now reading and informing seems be the best I can put it redline or elf.
My question is whether http://www.redlineoil.com/product.aspx?pid=45&pcid=7 redline is 100% synthetic.
You put redline elf or recommend?
A greeting and thank you very much
If your gearbox runs ok ,go with elf ,nfj is the one but now there is new nfp formula that fit to our gearbox(tl4) so get nfj or new nfp formula(TL4) as i did
have the red line stuff in and cant fault it..great stuff..
opie oils website is worth visiting..lots to choose from..
Thank you very much for answering I'm still torn between putting elf or redline, I can say that the differences between the NFP and nfj elf? Redline MTL 75W80 GL-4 Gear Oil is 100% synthetic? that what I understand is that the elf is not.
I'm another that has had the Redline MTL oil in and I was very happy with it. At the most recent service I had Elf put in and, to be fair, that has been equally as good. I don't think you will go wrong with either.
Excuse insitir again but I'm rather doubt, raptor 67 67 Syntrans recommends Castrol 75W90., Watching Castrol found this product pagehttp://www.castrol.com/es_es/spain/products/cars/manual-transmission-fluids/syntrans-v-fe-75w-80.html I see that it meets the specification GL4 + as the elf nfj but puts Castrol is 100% synthetic and see if I can say something and if this product is better than the elf.
Greetings and sorry for insisting both the same.
People will always have different opinions on which oil is the 'best' for the cars. If in doubt then always go for OEM Elf. That way you know that you have got what the manufacturer recommends :smile:
Thank you very much for your advice, I decided for the Castrol 75w 80 GL4 + compliant and is also 100% synthetic.