My Car that Caught Fire

Unfortunately new cars will always attract more attention and especially so if you have to park on street and its in plain view. All it takes is some lowlife to feel jelous and then you have a key down your car, a kicked wing mirror etc.

Shame you had to learn the area that you parked in is **** the hard way! :worried:
How much for the plates out of interest?

Seems a bit odd they couldn't find out why then you still lost your no claims, bloody insurance
Don't feel sorry for me, it happens!

If that hadn't caught fire, I'd have never got the 1.2 clio, which supplied me with some world series tickets, which encouraged my 197 purchase...

How much for the plates out of interest?

Seems a bit odd they couldn't find out why then you still lost your no claims, bloody insurance
I'm looking at 800ish for the plates. :smile: Worth 1.5k.

As for insurance - tell me about it! Not my fault at all and I pay for it. I moved out of my parents' house shortly afterwards (nothing to do with the fire - it was in line) and I wasn't even allowed to hire a van!!!

My renewal went from £400 to 3k... You don't even wanna know the insurance on my 197... Let's just say it's on the nice side of 5k. :worried:

Never has a personal number plate been more appropriate lol. Tempting fate?

I know lol... My friends genuinely lolled when I told them and thought I was BSing them. When they knew it was genuine, they lolled more and said "it'll be funny when you wrap it around a post."

Nice mates haha.

Unfortunately new cars will always attract more attention and especially so if you have to park on street and its in plain view. All it takes is some lowlife to feel jelous and then you have a key down your car, a kicked wing mirror etc.:worried:
Yeah, WTF is wrong with people?! I used to be on a Corsa C forum where someone's Corsa was burnt to the ground. You think "that's awful - that never happens" and 5 months later...
Gutted is not the word that is shocking and £5k insurance as well to follow:angry:
Red cars are unlucky, i would count yourself lucky you wasn't in it. love the black though!

Too right! Would hate to see that happen to my pride and joy.

Horrid to see any cars burning...even a lardy MkIV Golf...


The heat when I went past this was immense...thought I was going to burn my face off!
sorry, but thats so funny. Only because of the plate though. Silver lining? You got out of the pensioner-mobile (although they do look better than the golf!) and have a nice Clio
That is an unlucky story, if you lost your no claims then, did you get paid out for the car?
Yeah, they paid out.

Although, they said the car had depreciated 2k in 27 days.

I told them that it was unlawful and would be seeking legal advice and they changed their tune. :smile: