MTEC H7 Headlight Bulbs - Review


Paid Member
I have been using Osram Nightbreakers for both Main and Beam headlights for around a year now, They are great and give off a huge amount of light, but are quite yellow in colour and don't really match the LED sidelights I have. So when one bulb went the other day I thought I would give something different a try.

I bought a pair of MTEC Cosmos Blue H7 Bulbs. They are cheaper than Philips or Osram equivalents (Around £14 on ebay) and so far, first impressions have been very good! They give off an excellent pure white colour. Not blue at all and match the LED's nicely. -I think they are as close to Xenon HID's as you will get from a standard bulb.

Unfortunately they are no where near as bright as the Nightbreakers were, but if you are only going to drive in the city or on lit roads then this should be no issue. I just hope they last longer than the Nightbreakers!

Will upload pics when I get the chance.
Interesting read, ive got osram dipped, and im not overly impressed, main beam just went and ive bought osram again, mainly because of the best reviews. I do drive country roads so need maximum light really.
I've used both (in addition to others) , and the Nightbreakers are by far and away the best of the bunch. Choosing bulbs on the colour of the light is madness in my mind. What I want is light on the road so I can see where I'm going not so other think I'm cool or whatever. I personally thought the Mtec bulbs were bordering on dangerous with their paltry light output, was happy to remove them and chuck them in the bin after about 2 months of summer driving.

The best upgrade I did was changing from reflector headlights to projector units.
I agree with you both, the Nightbreakers give off a fantastic light, and I will certainly keep using them for main beam. However I know a lot of members on here, myself included, prefer the look of white lights over the standard yellow candles Renault supply. With so much choice, I hope this review will be of use to them.