Jonesy! Dash display!

That's just the example, ours will use the display where the radio / clock uses in the centre of the dash.

This bit:


Be interesting to see if we could do anything with the standard dials display but i dont think we can without some modding.
Should have a working prototype mid-week as the displays are due to arrive very soon.

Might try and use the existing display for a test... hmm..

Downside is the parts alone are coming to £80 so far :worried:
Should have a working prototype mid-week as the displays are due to arrive very soon.

Might try and use the existing display for a test... hmm..

Downside is the parts alone are coming to £80 so far :worried:

any price that i need let me know and u will have that :smile:
Getting the hardware to do this in the week so we can display that info on the radio / clock display.

And by pure luck, I recently met a guy who can talk CAN-BUS all day long and really knows his stuff so we should have no trouble getting all the data we want :smile: :smile: :smile:

So is the plan to use the existing display, and retain its current display capabilities whilst adding new ones; or replace the display with a new one, adding back in the existing radio functionality, and adding new functions?
So is the plan to use the existing display, and retain its current display capabilities whilst adding new ones; or replace the display with a new one, adding back in the existing radio functionality, and adding new functions?

The plan at the moment is to scrap the existing display (Both myself and jonesy have aftermarket headunits which dont utilise the display), and implement new features including clock, temp gauges, etc.

I'm not entirely sure how it will pan out until we start reading the data. It will be interesting to say the least!
Can you post a link to where you've got the display from, because if it's £80 and has on-board CAN, that's a very good price?!

Also, if you haven't looked at the data before, the middle of next week for having something running might be quite optimistic.
Can you post a link to where you've got the display from, because if it's £80 and has on-board CAN, that's a very good price?!

Also, if you haven't looked at the data before, the middle of next week for having something running might be quite optimistic.

It's the parts to communicate with an Actel atmega368 chip, display, canbus obd interface.

I already know how to drive the new display from the chip, and how to read the OBD data using the commands, but i havent written any specific program to drive the display using the real time data.
Here are some of the parts I cam looking to get (as you sound like you might be interested and even helpful to the cause!)

There is some example code already to grab the CAN data:

/* Welcome to the ECU Reader project. This sketch uses the Canbus library.
It requires the CAN-bus shield for the Arduino. This shield contains the MCP2515 CAN controller and the MCP2551 CAN-bus driver.
A connector for an EM406 GPS receiver and an uSDcard holder with 3v level convertor for use in data logging applications.
The output data can be displayed on a serial LCD.

SK Pang Electronics

v1.0 28-03-10


#include <NewSoftSerial.h>
#include <Canbus.h>

NewSoftSerial sLCD =  NewSoftSerial(3, 14); /* Serial LCD is connected on pin 14 (Analog input 0) */
#define COMMAND 0xFE
#define CLEAR   0x01
#define LINE0   0x80
#define LINE1   0xC0

#define UP     15
#define DOWN   17
#define LEFT   16

#include <byteordering.h>
#include <fat.h>
#include <FAT16.h>
#include <fat_config.h>
#include <partition.h>
#include <partition_config.h>
#include <sd-reader_config.h>
#include <sd_raw.h>
#include <sd_raw_config.h>

FAT TestFile;      //This will be the file we manipulate in the sketch
char buffer[512];  //Data will be temporarily stored to this buffer before being written to the file
int read_size=0;   //Used as an indicator for how many characters are read from the file
int count=0;       //Miscellaneous variable

int D10 = 10;

int LED2 = 8;
int LED3 = 7;

//char buffer[16];

NewSoftSerial mySerial =  NewSoftSerial(4, 5);

#define COMMAND 0xFE
//#define powerpin 4

#define GPSRATE 4800
//#define GPSRATE 38400

// GPS parser for 406a
#define BUFFSIZ 90 // plenty big
//char buffer[BUFFSIZ];
char *parseptr;
char buffidx;
uint8_t hour, minute, second, year, month, date;
uint32_t latitude, longitude;
uint8_t groundspeed, trackangle;
char latdir, longdir;
char status;
void setup() {
  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(LED3, OUTPUT); 
   digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
  Serial.println("ECU Reader");  /* For debug use */
  sLCD.begin(9600);              /* Setup serial LCD and clear the screen */
  sLCD.print("Select CAN or GPS");
    if (digitalRead(UP) == 0){
    if (digitalRead(DOWN) == 0) {
   if (digitalRead(LEFT) == 0) {
  if(Canbus.init(CANSPEED_500))  /* Initialise MCP2515 CAN controller at the specified speed */
    sLCD.print("CAN Init ok");
  } else
    sLCD.print("Can't init CAN");
  } x
 //   pinMode(13, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
  if(Canbus.ecu_req(ENGINE_RPM,buffer) == 1)          /* Request for engine RPM */
    sLCD.print(COMMAND,BYTE);                   /* Move LCD cursor to line 0 */
    sLCD.print(buffer);                         /* Display data on LCD */ 
  digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
  if(Canbus.ecu_req(VEHICLE_SPEED,buffer) == 1)
    sLCD.print(LINE0 + 9,BYTE);
  if(Canbus.ecu_req(ENGINE_COOLANT_TEMP,buffer) == 1)
    sLCD.print(LINE1,BYTE);                     /* Move LCD cursor to line 1 */
  if(Canbus.ecu_req(THROTTLE,buffer) == 1)
    sLCD.print(LINE1 + 9,BYTE);
//  Canbus.ecu_req(O2_VOLTAGE,buffer);
   digitalWrite(LED3, LOW); 

void sd_test(void)
pinMode(D10, OUTPUT);    /* Make sure D10 is an output otherwise SPI will not work */
  digitalWrite(D10, HIGH);
  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);    
  Serial.begin(9600);  //Initiate serial communication at 9600 bps
  TestFile.initialize();  //Initialize the SD card and the FAT file system.
  TestFile.create_file("skpang2.txt");  //Create a file on the SD card named "Read_File_Test.txt"
  //NOTE: This function will return a 0 value if it was unable to create the file.;  //Now that the file has been created, open it so we can write to it.


 TestFile.write("This is test data.");  //using the write function will always write to the beginning of the file. Here we add some text to the file.
  TestFile.close();  //We are done writing to the file for now. Close it for later use.
    digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);;  //Open the file. When the file is opened we will be looking at the beginning of the file.; //Read the contents of the file. This will only read the amount of data specified by the size of 'buffer.'

    Serial.println(read_size, DEC);  //Print the number of characters read by the read function.
    for(int i=0; i<read_size; i++)   
      Serial.print(buffer[i], BYTE);  //Print out the contents of the buffer.

    sprintf(buffer, "%d", count++); //Now we'll use the buffer to write data back to the file. Here's we'll only add one value to buffer, the 'count' variable. 
    TestFile.write(buffer);         //Write the new buffer to the end of the file
    TestFile.close();               //Close the file for later use.

    delay(500);  //Wait one second before repeating the loop.
    digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
    delay(500);  //Wait one second before repeating the loop.



void gps_test(void){
  uint32_t tmp;
  Serial.print("\n\rread: ");
  // check if $GPRMC (global positioning fixed data)
  if (strncmp(buffer, "$GPRMC",6) == 0) {
    // hhmmss time data
    parseptr = buffer+7;
    tmp = parsedecimal(parseptr); 
    hour = tmp / 10000;
    minute = (tmp / 100) % 100;
    second = tmp % 100;
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',') + 1;
    status = parseptr[0];
    parseptr += 2;
    // grab latitude & long data
    // latitude
    latitude = parsedecimal(parseptr);
    if (latitude != 0) {
      latitude *= 10000;
      parseptr = strchr(parseptr, '.')+1;
      latitude += parsedecimal(parseptr);
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',') + 1;
    // read latitude N/S data
    if (parseptr[0] != ',') {
      latdir = parseptr[0];
    // longitude
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
    longitude = parsedecimal(parseptr);
    if (longitude != 0) {
      longitude *= 10000;
      parseptr = strchr(parseptr, '.')+1;
      longitude += parsedecimal(parseptr);
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
    // read longitude E/W data
    if (parseptr[0] != ',') {
      longdir = parseptr[0];

    // groundspeed
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
    groundspeed = parsedecimal(parseptr);

    // track angle
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
    trackangle = parsedecimal(parseptr);

    // date
    parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;
    tmp = parsedecimal(parseptr); 
    date = tmp / 10000;
    month = (tmp / 100) % 100;
    year = tmp % 100;
    Serial.print("\nTime: ");
    Serial.print(hour, DEC); Serial.print(':');
    Serial.print(minute, DEC); Serial.print(':');
    Serial.println(second, DEC);
    Serial.print("Date: ");
    Serial.print(month, DEC); Serial.print('/');
    Serial.print(date, DEC); Serial.print('/');
    Serial.println(year, DEC);
    if (latdir == 'N')
    else if (latdir == 'S')
     {  Serial.print('-');
    Serial.print(latitude/1000000, DEC); Serial.print('\°', BYTE); Serial.print(' ');
    sLCD.print(latitude/1000000, DEC); sLCD.print(0xDF, BYTE); sLCD.print(' ');
    Serial.print((latitude/10000)%100, DEC); Serial.print('\''); Serial.print(' ');
     sLCD.print((latitude/10000)%100, DEC); sLCD.print('\''); //sLCD.print(' ');
    Serial.print((latitude%10000)*6/1000, DEC); Serial.print('.');
    sLCD.print((latitude%10000)*6/1000, DEC); sLCD.print('.');
    Serial.print(((latitude%10000)*6/10)%100, DEC); Serial.println('"');
    sLCD.print(((latitude%10000)*6/10)%100, DEC); sLCD.print('"');
    Serial.print("Long: ");
    if (longdir == 'E')
    else if (longdir == 'W')
    Serial.print(longitude/1000000, DEC); Serial.print('\°', BYTE); Serial.print(' ');
     sLCD.print(longitude/1000000, DEC); sLCD.print(0xDF, BYTE); sLCD.print(' ');
    Serial.print((longitude/10000)%100, DEC); Serial.print('\''); Serial.print(' ');
  sLCD.print((longitude/10000)%100, DEC); sLCD.print('\''); //sLCD.print(' ');
    Serial.print((longitude%10000)*6/1000, DEC); Serial.print('.');
    sLCD.print((longitude%10000)*6/1000, DEC); sLCD.print('.');
    Serial.print(((longitude%10000)*6/10)%100, DEC); Serial.println('"');
   sLCD.print(((longitude%10000)*6/10)%100, DEC); sLCD.print('"');



void readline(void) {
  char c;
  buffidx = 0; // start at begninning
  while (1) {;
      if (c == -1)
      if (c == '\n')
      if ((buffidx == BUFFSIZ-1) || (c == '\r')) {
        buffer[buffidx] = 0;
      buffer[buffidx++]= c;
uint32_t parsedecimal(char *str) {
  uint32_t d = 0;
  while (str[0] != 0) {
   if ((str[0] > '9') || (str[0] < '0'))
     return d;
   d *= 10;
   d += str[0] - '0';
  return d;

I am pretty sure from that, we can poll all the data we need.

My worry is we will not have enough space on the screen! :thumbup1:
Does this mean (basically) you'd be able to put anything up on the screen?

So for those of us without the renaultsport monitor say, could get the renault sport logo on the screen?
Does this mean (basically) you'd be able to put anything up on the screen?

So for those of us without the renaultsport monitor say, could get the renault sport logo on the screen?

We'll be able to put anything on the screen if we replace the screen. if not then I would need to work out how to drive the existing display. Had a quick look last night, but even stripped to the circuit board didn't reveal much in the way of clues to drive the 13-segment starburst style displays. Wouldn't say it was impossible.

New displays will be a lot easier, because for a start, they are documented!
It kinda does, but also kinda doesn't

Still need to know how to drive the display. I couldn't find any information about the renault text / clock display one.

drive the display do u mean power for it? or do u mean how it reads the info?