Is this caliper repairable?

its doesnt look right good on the photos..perhaps remove the piston and clean it/file/dress it and see how the dust seal and piston function?
The piston won’t come passed the damage, I think that’s answered that one really :cry:
Christ.... that doesn’t look great! Looks like it’s been smashed to hell! I suggest what Foxy has said however failing that I’m sure @R27WTF can sort you out with some
Try and heat it up and straighten out the bent lip enough to get piston out, someone who can work with Alu welding could fix that with some time.
I have RPD refurbs on mine now but I was looking to sell these. I’ll right this one off for what it’s worth
What side is it I have one red passenger one on a car I bought to dismantle or I have a pair of grays that were aqua blasted but not smooth enough anodize so would be very clean for painting and the primer and paint would smooth the pitting, the pipes, pistons and seals are all there.