I'd have it in the twistys....


...I wouldn't have a f..king chance! just seen this video and watched it about 10 times.. ignore the first 3 or 4 seconds as its some knob talking but ... mmmm
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:O jesus christ! that thing looks almost undriveable with that much power. :smiley:

...running slightly rich ha :smiley:
So twitchy under acceleration, seems like it would be a right handfull

The comment under the video says 0-60 in 1.6 seconds lol. I'm sure its true though, these pikes peak cars are animals
...this has been around for a while....there is an English comentry...takes Torque steer to a new level....I love the the car twitches under breaking at the end....nearly takes the Bowler out!
Christ alive that things fast!

Great driving too, manages to keep control despite the fact its on the grass alot.
that is some very good driving, i could not keep that car under control at that speed.

id love one of them if i ever won the lottery lol.