Edition 38: Warning VAG Content!


Platinum Member
Today I went to my first non-French meet, since selling the 197: Edition 38. It was a great day out to be fair, although way more expensive than any of the meets/events I went to on the French car scene.

There were some sweet rides there and I thought I'd share my pictures.

VW Passat Harlequin Replica by Tom Cash, on Flickr

VW Finance by Tom Cash, on Flickr

VW Golf, Phaeton Helios Wheels by Tom Cash, on Flickr

VW Sirocco by Tom Cash, on Flickr

Audi A4 by Tom Cash, on Flickr

VW Passat by Tom Cash, on Flickr

Lees VW Sirocco by Tom Cash, on Flickr

There are loads more pictures on my blog and my Flickr account.

My Edition 38 2012 Blog
My Edition 38 2012 Flickr Set


Any feedback or constructive criticism welcomed as always.

Oh, and I've started adding a signature to my pictures - any thoughts on that would be good too, please. :smile:

Thanks for looking!

Been to a few VAG meets, brother has a Ed30. Never have got the obsession with taking a quite good car and making it worse by lowering to the point of needing a backup vat of oil and several spare sumps.

Love mk1 Golfs though, in mostly standard guise.
Me too and i buy performance VW every month but most of those cars are impractical must handle like a bag of spuds :'(

There you are, feeling like a million dollars driving with your arse 2" from the ground when Deidre overtakes you going down a round with a mildy undulated surface. HOW embarassing?!?
I've been in russ's off here, his is manual, but Jesus its quick!
There holding there value aren't they? Seen a black one for 11k hmmm...
I'm never sure about the whol VAG world. Some cars looks awesome and others look completey sh!t and indrivable.

Horses for courses though I suppose and I do appreciate the work that they put into them.
No catch yet Si...

