Behind front wheel - Gap appearing

Hey guys!

Not sure if anyone has experienced this before - tried a quick search but didn't find anything...

Only just noticed this! But there's a gap appearing between the bottom of the bodywork behind the front passenger side wheel

I've tried popping it back into place, gently at first, but then properly putting my weight on it - even with a bit of lubricant to try and ease it back in.

No luck! And I don't want to dent the bodywork by putting more pressure on it...

Any ideas on how to get it back in place?

have you looked underneath and in the arch,looks like somethings come loose on the wing as the door gap is massive
I can't see anything behind the arch or under thats come loose :S

everything seems fairly secure, it just seems to have buckled :S
It's an 07 Plate - so 5 years old.

I don't remember hitting a pothole or anything which might have made this happen - it just seems to have popped out

Didn't know if anyone else had experienced anything like this?