April Fools

Told the office I was handing my notice in....

2 others have in the past month so his face was a picture!
I heard on the radio news this morning that facebook would be shut down at 5pm today due to a legal battle, no mention of it being a joke but when I realised the date it all started to make sense!
That M3 is the best BMW I have ever seen, totally awsome! Someone must have been extremely busy of photoshop to get that done.
I connected one of these to my colleagues secondary PC monitor:


Lets just say he wasn't pleased.

It's better then most of the crap autocar PhotoShop together TBH. It's usually some pig ugly cross breed they're trying to tell everyone is the next (insert car name here).

Fair play for taking it that seriously, must be a fair few hours in that :smiley:
Absolutely nothing funny happen today in work, was so dull i forgot what date it actually was. Was only when the boss forwarded out a pretty important email prefixed with "please disregard the date..." that i clicked....even then it took a while doh!
imacced one of my brothers eyebrows and wax strips to other side of his bodies legs.

that will teach him to superglue a vibrator to my parcelshelf :smile: