Anyone used Extreme VR2?

was interested in them, but they've gone up in price recently over here (belgium). they are now quite expensive for a retread. how much are they in the UK?
£105 in our size.
Had a look on the web for them at it looks like they were marketed in the states originally for around $80-90 which is a bargain!
yeah, they were about €100-€105. now up to €125.

i'll probably go for the federal RS-PRO (ten quid cheaper) or the zestino gredge 07RS (ten quid more expensive), when my yoko AD08RS's are done.
I just want something which is hard wearing, cheap, and will keep up with my mates.
Feel like such a thing doesn’t exist really.
I use vr1 & vr2 in very soft compounds for sprinting. They are fantastic.
Although they do an S3 compound for track days.
That’s the compound they recommended. Ended up buying some kumho rally tyres in the end.
Extreme said their card machine was broken, and I didn’t fancy just bank transferring them
I deal with their agent rob in Southampton all the time.
cash on collection or transfer is no problem.
I only use Extreme & they are on the 1a &1b list in the msa blue book rules
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