200 Cup v 200


Platinum Legend
Platinum Member
At the world series series at the weekend, I was fortunate enough to get 2 test drives booked at the Stowe circuit test track. First up was the Storm Grey 200 cup. Now I have the cup chassis on my F1 but have never had the pleasure of using it on the track before. I am aware that the new cup chassis on the 200 is even stiffer, but boy does it handle on the track. First lap was a warm up to show braking points etc, then it was time to spank it! The speed at which you can enter corners is astonshing, the fact that it just grips and pulls you through even more so. I was coming up to corners and the instructor at my side was telling me to brake later at every corner. Takes a bit of trust and you have to go against everything you use on the road but boy is it worth it, especially when the reward is so enjoyable.

Later in the day I went in a LY 200. As I knew the track and braking points etc, there was no need for an installation lap, flat out from the start. Now I tried the same gears and speeds for the first 2 laps but found myself having to back off mid corner which made it a little more unstable at the rear. It soon became clear that there is definately a slight difference between the 2 chassis. Ordinary has more body roll and doesnt feel quite as planted, although it is still miles better than most other cars on the road. The cup however is just superb and I would spec it every time, even though it is stiff for road use.

And I would recommend anyone to try either on the track. I think I will be booking a Renaultsport track day next year now :smile:
Don't suppose you took any photos of the Storm Grey Clio did you? If so, can you post them? Cheers.
200 without cup chassis is now softer than a 197 i think

200cup or 200 with cup chassis is now stiffer than 197cup/r27 chassis