197 and 200 Exactly gearbox

Post as important if you want!

here the complete gear and graphic of 197 (tl4 003, tl4 024) and 200 (tl4 031)

TL4 003
1 3.181
2 1.947
3 1.482
4 1.205
5 1.026
6 0.872

1st 11/35
2nd 19/37
3rd 29/43
4th 34/41
5th 38/39
6th 39/34

TL4 024
1 3,18
2 1,95
3 1,48
4 1,21
5 0,97
6 0,81

1st 11/35
2nd 19/37
3rd 29/43
4th 34/41
5th 35/34
6th 37/30

TL4 031
1 3,36
2 2,10
3 1,51
4 1,21
5 0,97
6 0,81

1st 11/37
2nd 19/40
3rd 27/41
4th 34/41
5th 35/34
6th 37/30

TL4 003


TL4 024


TL4 031

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