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  1. M

    Happy birthday Adrian

    Happy birthday Ady x
  2. M

    Well, my RenaultSport love affair is soon to be over...

    What did that set you back if you dont mind me asking? :proud:
  3. M

    My new baby

    Your eye isnt on the ball Mike, too busy driving lots of miles and eating curry?
  4. M

    how do you get rid of a big dead dog

    Aw bless ours did the same and then his back end just gave up one day, very sad. Can understand what your saying about no emotional connection if your that used to it where as me it was like loosing a brother :( RIP
  5. M

    how do you get rid of a big dead dog

    Aw poor dog, hope its not suffering :( We laid ours to rest in the garden, he was a big dog and we dug a big hle by his fav tree.
  6. M

    KTR 197 with Megane R26 engine.

    Thread has been cleaned up, please keep on topic.
  7. M

    My new baby

    It's great on fuel I'm getting 600+ to a £70 tank which is more than double what I was getting in the Clio.
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    My new baby

    I'm struggling to get the support in the seats which I had in the recaros in the 200 if I'm honest but will get there eventually :)
  9. M

    New 200 owner

    Welcome :)
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    New Member R27 F1

    Welcome :)
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    new member from gloucester

    Welcome :)
  12. M

    Possible (almost defo) Alien Green 200..

    I was tempted to buy a acid green V6 when I had the 182 but found out it was a press car and walked away. Welcome :)
  13. M

    Good evenin!

    Welcome :)
  14. M

    Hi from elcie

    Welcome, loving the 5!! Classic :)
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    Hello. New member from Cardiff

    Welcome :)
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    My new baby

    I have thought about re-mapping but don't know where would be best to take it as german tanks are new to me I'm used to French tin pots !! Lol
  17. M

    Stubby aerial

    It's a bee sting ariel, will dig it out if you want it? Mike doesn't need it now :)
  18. M

    My new baby

    Nope all 2L :)
  19. M

    Stubby aerial

    No prob, drop me a message on FB with your address and I will post it to you if that helps :)
  20. M

    My new baby

    50+ easily so I'm happy :)