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  1. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Nothing wrong with my driving ;) lol I'm 3 hours away Roy that's why he's being brave!!
  2. M


    I don't think so!!!
  3. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    It's only cause he hates my driving Roy and I have no idea why :lol:
  4. M


    Exchange of contracts then it's bread and water all the way :)
  5. M

    House Project thread

    OMG what a mission, it's going to be a big enough project furnishing my new build never mind having to do what you have done!! Good luck :)
  6. M


    Champers ;)
  7. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Keep dreaming :p lol
  8. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Needed a diesel for work.
  9. M

    Painful reading!!

    :slap: !!!!!
  10. M

    Painful reading!!

    Ha ha women are worse than men, well most ;) lol
  11. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Yeah had a look in new members section before I started the thread. Not missing it just wondered where it's got to.
  12. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Cars 8 months old now iirc
  13. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Pmsl your mad!!
  14. M

    £154 million

    :D lol
  15. M

    £154 million

    Bought my tickets and everything is crossed!!
  16. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    I know Harry sold it lol that's why i started this thread to see who bought it?!? ;)
  17. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    Yeah I know Harry bought it from me lol but I'm wondering where it is now :p
  18. M

    200: Who bought my old car?

    DE60 P** ? Just wondered how it was getting on with it's new owner :)
  19. M

    redundancy advice / experience

    Ah that's not good, mine was 90 days and I had only been there 3 years.
  20. M

    redundancy advice / experience

    You need to look into the company redundancy procedure, they can't just put you at risk then get rid of you on 21st July, there are rules in place for the notice that has to be given and I'm sure it's 90 days, or depends upon your lenght of employment, let me know if you want me to double check...