Search results

  1. M

    H&R Springs Vs Cup Suspension ?

    Women more like :slap: lol
  2. M

    Yet more problems

    Not had Amy problems here, been great since the move.
  3. M

    Bonnet Scratch From Wiper Arms!

    Another stupid design by Renault!! Hope you get it sorted.
  4. M

    H&R Springs Vs Cup Suspension ?

    Calm down girls, everyone has a budget and I bought within mine on advice, yes they were **** and I didn't like them but I'm not sure where I was taring them all with the same brush !!!
  5. M

    Changing your name

    Lol I was talking about this yesterday!!
  6. M

    Silver mirrors

    Think it looks nice on red but on yellow... Erm
  7. M

    best price for v3?

    Have you looked at Demon Tweeks, club members can get 10% off as standard.
  8. M

    H&R Springs Vs Cup Suspension ?

    You will need to get a spring that is a similar rating (if thats the correct term) to the spring used in the cup suspension to try and prevent that.
  9. M

    H&R Springs Vs Cup Suspension ?

    I did this on my 182 having had coilovers which I hated, went back to cup suspension with lowering springs and it gave me the lowered look I wanted but the springs were a bit too leany (if that's even a word) when under pressure on track but that could of been down to the softness of the...
  10. M

    Tropical Fish Tanks

    We have 6 koi here that we need a home for, will they fit ?!? Lol ;)
  11. M

    Sorry folks

    Thinking about you Roy, hope your ok soon.
  12. M

    So What Do You Collect?

    Your worse than a woman!! They all look brand new too ?!?
  13. M

    Driving To Germany & Places To Stay, Anyone Done It?

    I have a ferry booking on hold if you would like to transfer it to your name and car, save you some cash?!? Drop me a pm if your interested and I can let you know all the details.
  14. M

    Sorry folks

    Hope your ok Roy, I'm sure people will understand about the stickers!! Get well soon x
  15. M

    Clio Trolley jack points

    Bent my sills on my 182 using the jack points they are crap!!
  16. M

    Do you use Internet Explorer?

    Me too ;)
  17. M

    Show Us Your Ink

    No pics of mine, hate it :(
  18. M

    July 2011 VOTE!

    Cooper for me, cracking pic and dog.
  19. M

    fashion question lol

    PMSL you reckon ?
  20. M

    197: 200bhp isn't enough.....

    LOL my point exactly :p