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    Rust on tailgate - warranty claim

    1. Litchy 2. Bangbangbenny 3. Goose 4. academic 5. Willis 6. Yiannis 7. deadmau5 8. poru376289 9. Ellis 10. DanB720 11. boorek
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    RS Gearknob on Ebay?

    what problems they got? mine ftted about half year ago and very good. its only taking bit longer to fit thats all imho
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    Opinions on mapping

    in 172/182 it's quite good, dont know about 197. Can you do "cracle" map on 197 with rs tuner like in 172/182?
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    What size spacer?

    H&R's I bet
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    What's your favorite car currently?

    Gtr and tesla s
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    Place for convertion in SE

    Rogue, where you done yours?
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    Place for convertion in SE

    Hi! Do you know place or person who done convertion before, and can do it for me? I'm from Kent, so south east prefered. Thanks!
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    What lowering springs.

    I had eibachs, and changed for H&R's... on eibachs its pretty much standard height, and handling is so much better with H&r's. Eibachs got much better comfort if thats what you looking for
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    Citroen Mist washer jets

    With orginal one is really weak pressure on rear
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    Citroen Mist washer jets

    Oh, i didn't change rear one
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    Citroen Mist washer jets

    I bought genuine ones for C3, they about 6-7 quid from ebay. You have to cut bit of plastic but they fit OK.
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    Citroen Mist washer jets

    Did you bought genuine one? I had same problem with cheap ones...
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    AlloysWheels 17" or 18" and Correct ET offsets needed

    mine? now there are fine with -30/-40 H&Rs... that's the thing which I grind a bit
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    AlloysWheels 17" or 18" and Correct ET offsets needed

    I'm running 18" 7.5 225/40 et 50 and there was bit of rubbing on fast corners, but after grinding bit of plastic joint (?) in wheel arch it's fine
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    part no 8200291355

    hi! that how it looks and making squicking noise. What else it can cause? I'm not sure if it's worth spend 25 quid for new one...
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    clio 197 by boorek

    Hi! After a year it's time to introduce my little motor... I bought it about year ago, and it was totaly standard. Now it got: -Oreca group N exhaust + decat --30/-40 H&R -18" Oz F1 -ITG panel filter -Spoiler CUP + RS gear knob + and footrest :D -M-tec dimpled and grooved discs+ Mintex M1144...
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    Oreca Race System v Akrapovic Evolution (Decat)

    Can't see where oreca can be restricted... Have you seen standard Clio back box? That's restricted!
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    no backlight on speedo and rev counter

    Today its working fine.... French cars....
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    no backlight on speedo and rev counter

    Hi! As above, yesterday I was driving along, everything was OK. Then I went to shop, start engine again and there's no backlight on speed and rev counter, rest seems to work fine. Auto lights was on etc. Any ideas? Thank's!