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  1. Surrey-Paul

    TopGear is back

    He must have got it right as no blow outs, although all 3 getting air off the bumps, bet they needed wardrobe changes after that one.
  2. Surrey-Paul

    TopGear is back

    Aventador very slick looking & fire breathing super car (shame NA engines are about to be no more), I love the MP4-12c as well but knew that would be doomed on any challenges being driven Mister Slow :)
  3. Surrey-Paul

    Wheel refurb in Surrey?

    Wheel specialist will have that looking like new once finished, prices vary from £55 to £80 in surrey. A guy I've used before who is mobile excellent finish and did 2 of my alloys in a morning, think it was £60 per wheel
  4. Surrey-Paul

    Virus alert

    My personal choice after machine has been affected is to re-image. Since Vista always use the system backup and create restore image after you've installed all your stuff, that way you can just boot with windows disk or startup disk (system backup creates) then erase partition & go with restore...
  5. Surrey-Paul

    Virus alert

    What section were you in when it happened, as last night was bored so fired up my win7 and basically opened up Ie going here but not found any pop-ups launching. Also your IT dept. might want to check their group policies as assume your work machine is on a network and if so it'll prob. be...
  6. Surrey-Paul

    Virus alert

    If the malicious code was java based then you'd need to kill the java runtime as well, as that will run in it's own space after being launched and that can be hidden as anything on a website. Why I no longer have it
  7. Surrey-Paul

    Virus alert

    Only time I turn pop-up back on is when banking as they like to spawn new windows when viewing accounts history. Also I ensure all active stuff off and don't even have java plug-in anymore. I use to write some nifty VB & Java based scripts & Apps while I was in IT so know how easy it is to...
  8. Surrey-Paul

    200 vs 197

    197 is lean & mean 200 is it's not so well endowed brother But as they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder (owner) :)
  9. Surrey-Paul

    Virus alert

    what did it pop up, advert or something?
  10. Surrey-Paul

    Wheel Spacers for R26 18" Wheels

    looking at pictures that does look extreme and rears over here in UK would be illegal. perhaps 10-12mm would be good.
  11. Surrey-Paul

    I hope you've got your winter tyres ready...

    what they called? not seen them before and look a bit easier to fit than snow socks
  12. Surrey-Paul

    Wheel Spacers for R26 18" Wheels

    Not heard of an issues like that but always go with quality spacers and those that list as hub centric and correct length bolts that take into account the spacer size as well. forgot to say if you go 25mm+ then you will prob. find the spacer allows original bolts to attach spacer to hub then...
  13. Surrey-Paul

    Wheel Spacers for R26 18" Wheels

    I've always measured from wheel/tyre to the inside edge of wheel arch, then with that info you know what max is, so can gauge size of spacer needed.
  14. Surrey-Paul

    Rémi GAILLARD - Funny guy

    Just watched the free meal at McD's one. Having not really eaten there in years do you pay at 1st counter in drive thru over here as well? as top tip if you do. Also that old lady who drove onto rail lines was in a clio 3, she must have overheard a clio RS owner mentioning his car handles like...
  15. Surrey-Paul

    Rémi GAILLARD - Funny guy

    speed camera one is funny as well, the way most of the drivers slow down prob. think he is a real camera from distance
  16. Surrey-Paul

    Rémi GAILLARD - Funny guy

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  17. Surrey-Paul

    Rémi GAILLARD - Funny guy

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Surrey-Paul

    Rémi GAILLARD - Funny guy

    Came across some video's by this guy, worth a mention as his stunts might be stupid but cheered my day up :) <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Surrey-Paul

    Compomotive mo6 or team dynamic pr 3s

    OK, driver must also have an on/off lead foot :)
  20. Surrey-Paul

    keyless entry

    Same here always keep phone in opposite side pocket now and then no problems. Also mine only opens when hand is hovered over sensor and only locks when buttons pressed (that's when their not playing up)