Recent content by Smudger71

  1. Smudger71

    Re-installing Rear Wiper Motor

    Afternoon, sorry if this is a dumb question but I’m looking to re-install the rear wiper motor after the previous owner done a rear wiper delete on it. My question is how do I remove the old rivets that are still installed by the looks of it so that I can install the new ones if that makes...
  2. Smudger71

    keycard batterys

    My key was acting up the other day. Started with the odd time when it wouldn’t open or lock the car and finally wouldn’t lock or open either door or the boot. Just brought a normal CR2025 watch battery and swapped them over and had been working fine since
  3. Smudger71

    New member of Leicester and Bristol

    Welcome from a fellow Ultra Red F1 R27 owner in Leicester
  4. Smudger71

    numbers/colours list

    I’ve just purchased number 269 in Ultra Red although its back on its original number plate now
  5. Smudger71

    Clio 197 ball joint

    After having an issue with a broken spring it worked out cheaper to replace all 4 with some eibachs than one spring from Renault,this is where the problem began, the o/s/f was completely seized up and the garage had to dethread the ball joint to get the parts off, he gave us the parts required...