Winter storage

I have had my Clio in the garage more or less since xmas, Whilst checking oil and removing battery for charging I noticed how much condensation in the engine bay and under the car on the steel work, my garage is a log cabin effect so timber built and it does keep warm in there, will this bugger the car up and is it best to leave it outside where airflow can get around it?

This would happen to my bike during winter storage. Around the engine casing, petrol tank and forks (basically anything with fluid in it) it would have major condensation. To solve this I got 2 Unibond Aero 360 moisture absorbers and sat 1 at each wheel and never had the problem again. They work like a dehumidifier. Never noticed any bad effects from the condensation but a car will be different as a bike is exposed to the elements anyway. The Aero 360's are cheap so would be worth a try.

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