thread/fs section

ive just posted a thread about my car ( subaru) for sale but its dissapeared can i ask why? also what do i have to do to post in the for sale section

You need to be a paid member or have a certain amount of posts and be a member for a certain amount of time.
There has been a change in the FS section.

Rather than the thread that has been posted being locked immediately, it now has to be approved.

Prevents spam, allows replies etc etc :smile::smile::smile::smile:

You've found how to be a paid member by the looks of it :wink:
Yeah, I had someone interested in some of my wheels, they posted on the thread, but I never saw the posts until the thread was closed. Fortunately the same buyer had found me on the RS forum.
Personally I think it is probably better to leave them up, for a short while at least, if only so the purchaser has a good opportunity to confirm that he got what he thought he was getting?

I think the issue is overly cautious moderating of the FS area, the issue of comments needing to be approved seems excessive, especially when despite moderators seeming to make up around 1/3 of the active members, posts aren't given the ok for several days...
Same here with it being overly cautious, I haven't seen any other sites with a for sale moderation, but I have seem some where you can't post in them.
ukmkivs that i came from had to approve sale threads.

it is done this way not for moderators benefit but to help stop you the members getting ripped off by new members scamming.
Fully appreciate the benefits, and don't disagree at all that new threads should require approval, but having the replies also require approval seems to cause issues.
Think we need to look at it again.
Problem is we can only work with what we have as I don't think the software allows threads to need approval and and then replies not to need approval.
This is why we were trying to get people to pm the seller then posts wouldn't need approving and get missed.
Maybe when approving threads we should add "please contact seller" to each thread rather than just having a sticky that noone reads.?
I still think the best way is to disable replies completely, however, allowing the author to edit and close their own threads is essential. Club GTI use exactly the same forum software as this, and have had no problems setting this up.
Why not just go back to the way it was. Sellers should be careful as to who they are selling to anyway. I wouldn't send anything until I have the money. Would only use paypal etc.

It seems unnecessary and slow.

On another note. Can I have my post approved for the KW gauging interest thread please.
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