Recaro Seats

Do you have the option to cancel your order?

If you do, cancel it and place a new one, then they will have to fit the Recaros as its a new order.

Wish I could but I've put down a meaty deposit and I need the car for March 1st. I've been told by the manager of the dealer that the car production is 6 weeks so I'd be just out of that barrier now.

The most annoying thing? Is that I tried to contact the dealer Saturday before last and since another three times and they still hadn't gotten back to me.

I again rang the dealers yesterday afternoon, he "umm'd & arrgh'd" about ringing the production team in France to check if Recaros could be fitted at this time, but what's irritating is that maybe it "could have" been done if they would have got back to me when I originally rang them.

Am I well within my rights to demand they get Recaro seats in the car, as I've been messed around by the dealers, or shall I start being realistic and accept that cry will fall on deaf ears?

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