New member

Its because all them lot have is 1.2s with fluroescent wheels, sticker bombed bonnets and sat on their arses!

Where as the 197/200 owners tend to mod a little more tastfully as they know that their cars are pretty much spot on from the factory :wink:

Thats why they slate us...jealousy is a horrible thing.


Haha, nail on the head with that one mate.
I noticed we got a derogatory comment on there today. But, NO MORE will be said as I don't want wars lol :swiss: :swiss:
Hi Adey welcome along! Good to see another local on the site, quite a few of us around here now. Keep an eye out on the East Midlands section for meet info
Hi Adey!!!

All that matters is that YOU like YOUR car that YOU paid for.

But, it does sound like you've got the wrong one, what you really wanted was a 197. :smiley:

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