Lack of Power

Sounds like a similar problem to what I had. My mate plugged the car into laptop came up with a cam sensor issue. Fitted new one "good as new".hope that helps..

DO you had check engine light (spanner) light on? If there was some fault code..
Update for my car case, i have not pre-heated car any more with block heater and it has been fine since then. No any faults.
My TDC sensor is not even a year old. I have fitted a new VVT solenoid to see if that helps. Its the last thing I'm trying then its new car time.

I really like the look of those new S1's that are out in May this year.
Update for my case, it has been fine. I am now sure it has something to do with block pre-heating system and outside tempeature. If block heater is not used, no any problems.. :smile:
It is almost spring here too now and block heater is not necessary.
My car was in the Renault dealer at regular year service and there was fault code in the memory:

DF119 Camshaft sensor signal 1.def (sporadic)

So this may be the reason.. where the sensor is located and from who i can buy it for less money.. (original, of course)...
My car was in the Renault dealer at regular year service and there was fault code in the memory:

DF119 Camshaft sensor signal 1.def (sporadic)

So this may be the reason.. where the sensor is located and from who i can buy it for less money.. (original, of course)...

As you look at the engine its top right on the block...It cost £80 from renault dealer..
My car didn't seem to have any problems today. Not spending any more money on it as I've just ordered a new car. Should be getting it in July or August. Long wait but it will be worth it.
How difficult DIY it is to change that sensor? Is somewhere instructions available?

iirc it unplug it and unbolt it....its right next to the end of the inlet side of the head close to the dipstick tube/wiring multi-plug
I found Valeo sensor from my local part supplier under 35£ and in stock. I will update after it is in the engine.
Sensor replacement complete, i have to took cold air feed pipe off, and move oil dip stick tube little bit. Then there was enough room for my small hands to replace sensor.
I think it works now okay, maybe little more torque in the low end (or its in my head only)..

No too much space for sensor removal..


Old sensor

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Little update for this. My car was in the diagnostics last week because of the misfire of cylinder 1. There was NO any fault about cam sensor anymore. So the fix was success, valeo sensor price was only about 30£.