Keys for removing standard stereo

Looking to change my stereo or add the aux cable
2 the standard unit. Its the single disc, on an 07
Plate. Anyone up my way "inverness" have keys
to remove it, are they sold anywhere?
Looking to change my stereo or add the aux cable
2 the standard unit. Its the single disc, on an 07
Plate. Anyone up my way "inverness" have keys
to remove it, are they sold anywhere?

Standard iso keys can get them from any good car place , they are pretty generic
If you buy one of the aux cables they usually come with them. But, if you want to be a rough a**e, you can get an old metal wire coat hanger, cut some small bits off, shape them in a 'u' and stick them in and pull it out. Lol!
its actually very easy. Youll get a multi plug adapter that goes in the back, get a connector for the aerial and your jammin. Feed the ipod lead through the glove box. Theres a hole already there
Thats the set up i'm going for next week...ipod in the glovebox and everything controlled from the head unit
just pull the centre console out mate u can push the clips from the back?