Just test drove a 197

Yo guys,

Just test drove a 197 (was trying to find one with a cup chassis but none were near me) and I have to say, I am damb impressed with this little car. It actually felt just as quick in a straight line as the 240 cupra leon i tested last week, authough it probubly wasn't. But it stops and turns very well.

Also, its not all about the 0 - 60 anyway, just check out this review.


R27 only 2 seconds of an R26 on a 12km special stage hill climb, now thats impressive, taking into account torque deficit.

They say the R26 could have gone even quicker but even if they got that tome down another say 3 seconds, whats 5 seconds on a 12km hill climb.

Gunna go test drive a cup next week to see the difference.