200: How to tell difference in rs200 an 197

Right I've looked around the site and around Internet but not much help.

What are the tell tale signs of an rs200 and a 197??? On first looks I mean as I can't tell.
Thanks Graeme

I currently own a white rs200 not sure the exact colour but its white ha.
RS Clio 200

RS Clio 197

Pretty much the same car other than the lights and front bumper, im sure someone will be along to give better info
Ahhh the front by the bumper ? Haha that made me laugh just twigged where ya ment any more?

Don't recall ever seeing the campus style.

Also have an Astra gsi and didn't really pay much attention to clios before so happy with it though..
Great help folks also what is the Clio silverstone?? Seen a grey one before with this silverstone badge on the B post??
Renault have done a number of limited editions, usually limited to 50 per county and usually packed with options, a special colour and a badge. The Silverstone is one of these.
Take a look at the front and one of the following two will become apparent...

A. You throw up a little in your mouth. It's an RS200
B. Your pants get a little tight and twitchy. It's an RS197

Your welcome :wink:
The rear ends also look different too. The 200 has a more distinctive black (or very occasionally anthractie) diffuser with 'chrome' rings around the exhaust outlets where are the 197 has anorexic looking chrome tail pipes.
Take a look at the front and one of the following two will become apparent...

A. You throw up a little in your mouth. It's an RS200
B. Your pants get a little tight and twitchy. It's an RS197

Your welcome :wink:

YES!!! :rofl: