
I warmed the badge up with a heatgun but if you can take a hairdryer. I found the heatgun a bit too hot and had to be very careful.

You can use dental floss or a old bank card or similar type (i say old because they melt a little sometimes by accident) be careful when peeling off the letters though, you don't want any marks to be left.
I don’t recommend a heat gun as you have to be extremely careful, way to easy to burn the paint.

What I did was use a hair dryer and warmed up a letter at a time then used dental floss as it is nice and soft but strong, I had some tar and glue remover that I used to remove the glue residue, then polished and waxed.

Job done. :clap:
floss or string thats how i got mine off then a good polish to remove the marks looks alot better
So I did mine the other day, it was really warm weather which helped. Got some Auto Glym Intensive Tar remover and some dental floss! The badges came off easily, but left behind the sticky foam stuff. So a bit more tar remover and my nails and scrapped it off, then a bit more tar remover to get rid of the sticky residue and it was done. Didn't take long at all and I think it looks better for it.