R20 BTG - 200 Cup Track Car Blog

I remember thinking at the time 'fucking hell I've just been overtaken by a Swift' - looking back at the footage, yeah it was moving alright
How are you finding the DJI compared to the GoPro? I've been tempted to switch myself as between battery life, losing footage and go pro software I'm getting fed up
Also, Clio looks awesome and we'll sorted!
DJI is already miles better than the GoPro. Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

- GoPro always used to forget the white balance settings when it was powered off. DJI remembers the settings so you only have to set it once.
- DJI phone app is much better than the GoPro, instantly connects wirelessly whenever the camera is powered on, whereas the GoPro you had to change the WiFi settings on the phone each time.
- GoPro used to stop recording randomly, you were never sure once you'd hit record whether it would stay recording. I've lost so many track days due to it deciding not to record. DJI just worked and stayed recording every time.
- GoPro used to complain about a corrupt SD card despite it being reformatted in the GoPro several times. The same SD card formatted in the DJI has been totally fine.
- The 'beep' is much louder from the DJI so when I turn around and press record I can hear the confirmation in my helmet, whereas I was never quite sure if the GoPro was on.
- The footage seems much higher quality from the DJI compared to the GoPro, the colours are deeper, the black areas are blacker, and the previously mentioned white balance is so much better.
- The DJI uses the same attachment as the GoPro, so it was plug and play.
Thanks for all that! I used to hate that bloody wifi issue with the app and go pro, such a mess about to get it connected. Sounds like I'll be going DJI in the near future so!
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